Pleasant Hill Baptist Church


September 2019

Vision #3

Pastor Jack shares the third sermon in the Vision series which focuses on the 1 Chronicles 4:10 Prayer of Jabez. God seeks to bless His people, but also asks His children to follow obediently as He leads them to "enlarge their territory" and receive His promises.

Vision #2

Pastor Jack shares his vision for Pleasant Hill for the coming year. The sermon is entitled, "Enlarge Your Vision."

Deacon Ordination

Deacon charge and ordination given by Pastor Jack.

Vision #1

Want to hear Pastor Jack's vision for the church during this next year? Listen as he starts a new series on "Vision" to start the new church year. The first sermon is entitled, "A Church With a Vision."

At Odds With Our Times #3

The final sermon of the series looks at Micah's declaration of what the Lord requires of His people, "to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.