Pleasant Hill Baptist Church


Spiritual Checkpoints #10

What do we do in times like these? The last sermon in the series explores our need to "Keep Up the Revs." (Note: You can watch the entire service on FaceBook Live (//phbcfamily))

Spiritual Checkpoint #9

As we join many other churches who are offering online streaming of the worship service, Pastor Jack preaches the next to last sermon in the series, entitled, "The Skunk Button." (Note: you may also watch the service on our FaceBook page)

Spiritual Checkpoint #8

As our nation and community face the coronavirus threat, Pleasant Hill meets for worship on a limited basis. Pastor Jack shares a message in the Spiritual Checkpoints series entitled, "Shifting Gears."

Spiritual Checkpoint #7, Part 2

Pastor Jack shares Part 2 of the sermon entitled, Checkpoint #7: "Monitoring the Gauges, Part 2"

Spiritual Checkpoint #7

Pastor Jack continues the series on 10 Checkpoints for Peak Performance. Today's is entitled, "Monitoring the Gauges."