Pleasant Hill Baptist Church


Spiritual Checkpoint #3b

Pastor Jack speaks about the gift of the Holy Spirit, who He is and what He does.

Spiritual Checkpoint #3

The third sermon in the series on 10 Checkpoints for Peak Performance takes a look at "Checking the Oil." Pastor Jack suggests that there are three things to check in your life (spiritual dipsticks) that will indicate if you are "low on oil;" that is, if you are living and serving with the fulness of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Checkpoint #2

"What's Under the Hood?" Is the title of the second sermon in the series on "10 Checkpoints for Peak Performance." Pastor Jack takes a look at the presence and power of the Holy Spirit of God in the life of the believer.

Spiritual Checkpoint #1

Pastor Jack begins 2020 with a new series entitled, 10 Checkpoints for Peak Performance: A Spiritual Checkup. The first Checkpoint sermon is "Who's Behind the Wheel."